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WebGL Indexed Vertices

This article assumes you've at least read the article on fundamentals. If you have not read that yet you should probably start there.

This is a short article to cover gl.drawElements. There are 2 basic drawing functions in WebGL. gl.drawArrays and gl.drawElements. Most of the articles on the site that explicitly call one or the other call gl.drawArrays as it's the most straight forward.

gl.drawElements on the other hand uses a buffer filled with vertex indices and draws based on that.

Let's take the example that draws rectangles from the first article and make it use gl.drawElements

In that code we created a rectangle from 2 triangles, 3 vertices each for a total of 6 vertices.

Here was our code that provided 6 vertex positions

  var x1 = x;
  var x2 = x + width;
  var y1 = y;
  var y2 = y + height;
  gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([
     x1, y1,   // vertex 0
     x2, y1,   // vertex 1
     x1, y2,   // vertex 2
     x1, y2,   // vertex 3
     x2, y1,   // vertex 4
     x2, y2,   // vertex 5
  ]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);

We can instead use data for 4 vertices

  var x1 = x;
  var x2 = x + width;
  var y1 = y;
  var y2 = y + height;
  gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([
     x1, y1,  // vertex 0
     x2, y1,  // vertex 1
     x1, y2,  // vertex 2
     x2, y2,  // vertex 3
  ]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);

But, then we need to add another buffer with indices because WebGL still requires that to draw 2 triangles we must tell it to draw 6 vertices in total.

To do this we create another buffer but we use a different binding point. Instead of the ARRAY_BUFFER binding point we use the ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER binding point which is always used for indices.

// create the buffer
const indexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();

// make this buffer the current 'ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER'
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer);

// Fill the current element array buffer with data
const indices = [
  0, 1, 2,   // first triangle
  2, 1, 3,   // second triangle
    new Uint16Array(indices),

Like all data in WebGL we need a specific representation for the indices. We convert the indices to unsigned 16 bit integers with new Uint16Array(indices) and then upload them to the buffer.

At draw time we need to bind whatever buffer holds the indices we want to use.

  // bind the buffer containing the indices
  gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer);

And then draw with drawElements

// Draw the rectangle.
var primitiveType = gl.TRIANGLES;
var offset = 0;
var count = 6;
-gl.drawArrays(primitiveType, offset, count);
+var indexType = gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
+gl.drawElements(primitiveType, count, indexType, offset);

We get the same results as before but we only had to supply data for 4 vertices instead of 6. We still had to ask WebGL to draw 6 vertices but this let us reuse data for 4 vertices through the indices.

Whether you use indexed or non indexed data is up to you.

It's important to note that indexed vertices won't usually let you make a cube with 8 vertex positions because generally you want to associate other data with each vertex, data that is different depending on which face that vertex position is being used with. For example if you wanted to give each face of the cube a different color you'd need to provide that color with the position. So even though the same position is used 3 times, once for each face a vertex touches, you'd still need to repeat the position, once for each different face, each with a different associated color. That would mean you'd need 24 vertices for a cube, 4 for each side and then 36 indices to draw the required 12 triangles.

Note that valid types for indexType above in WebGL1 are only gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE where you can only have indices from 0 to 255, and, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT where the maximum index is 65535. There is an extension, OES_element_index_uint you can check for and enable which allows gl.UNSIGNED_INT and indices up to 4294967296.

const ext = gl.getExtension('OES_element_index_uint');
if (!ext) {
  // fall back to using gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT or tell the user they are out of luck

According to WebGLStats nearly all devices support this extension.

Note: Above we bind the indexBuffer to the ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER binding point when putting the indices in the buffer then we bind it again later. Why bind it twice?

This is only to show a pattern. Typically you'd be drawing more than a single thing so you'd have multiple index buffers, one for each thing you want to draw. At init time you'd create these buffers and put data in them. At render time, before you draw each individual thing you'd need to bind the correct buffer. So, the code here follows that pattern even though it's only drawing one thing.

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