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WebGL - Drawing Multiple Things

This article is a continuation of previous WebGL articles. If you haven't read them I suggest you start there.

One of the most common questions after first getting something up in WebGL is how do I draw multiple things.

The first thing to realize is that with few exceptions, WebGL is like having a function someone wrote where instead of passing lots of parameters to the function you instead have a single function that draws stuff and 70+ functions that set up the state for that one function. So for example imagine you had a function that draws a circle. You could program it like this

function drawCircle(centerX, centerY, radius, color) { ... }

Or you could code it like this

var centerX;
var centerY;
var radius;
var color;

function setCenter(x, y) {
   centerX = x;
   centerY = y;

function setRadius(r) {
   radius = r;

function setColor(c) {
   color = c;

function drawCircle() {

WebGL works this second way. Functions like gl.createBuffer, gl.bufferData, gl.createTexture, and gl.texImage2D let you upload buffer (vertex) and texture (color, etc..) data to WebGL. gl.createProgram, gl.createShader, gl.compileShader, and gl.linkProgram let you create your GLSL shaders. Nearly all the rest of the functions of WebGL are setting up these global variables or state that is used when gl.drawArrays or gl.drawElements is finally called.

Knowing this a typical WebGL program basically follows this structure

At Init time

  • create all shaders and programs and look up locations
  • create buffers and upload vertex data
  • create textures and upload texture data

At Render Time

  • clear and set the viewport and other global state (enable depth testing, turn on culling, etc..)
  • For each thing you want to draw
    • call gl.useProgram for the program needed to draw.
    • setup attributes for the thing you want to draw
      • for each attribute call gl.bindBuffer, gl.vertexAttribPointer, gl.enableVertexAttribArray
    • setup uniforms for the thing you want to draw
      • call gl.uniformXXX for each uniform
      • call gl.activeTexture and gl.bindTexture to assign textures to texture units.
    • call gl.drawArrays or gl.drawElements

That's basically it. It's up to you how to organize your code to accomplish that task.

Some things like uploading texture data (and maybe even vertex data) might happen asynchronously because you need to wait for them to download over the net.

Let's make a simple app to draw 3 things. A cube, a sphere, and a cone.

I'm not going to go into the details of how to compute cube, sphere, and cone data. Let's just assume we have functions to create them and they return bufferInfo objects as described in the previous article.

So here's the code. Our shader is the same one simple shader from our perspective example except we've added a u_colorMult to multiply the vertex colors by.

// Passed in from the vertex shader.
varying vec4 v_color;

uniform vec4 u_colorMult;

void main() {
   gl_FragColor = v_color * u_colorMult;

At init time

// Our uniforms for each thing we want to draw
var sphereUniforms = {
  u_colorMult: [0.5, 1, 0.5, 1],
  u_matrix: m4.identity(),
var cubeUniforms = {
  u_colorMult: [1, 0.5, 0.5, 1],
  u_matrix: m4.identity(),
var coneUniforms = {
  u_colorMult: [0.5, 0.5, 1, 1],
  u_matrix: m4.identity(),

// The translation for each object.
var sphereTranslation = [  0, 0, 0];
var cubeTranslation   = [-40, 0, 0];
var coneTranslation   = [ 40, 0, 0];

At draw time

var sphereXRotation =  time;
var sphereYRotation =  time;
var cubeXRotation   = -time;
var cubeYRotation   =  time;
var coneXRotation   =  time;
var coneYRotation   = -time;

// ------ Draw the sphere --------


// Setup all the needed attributes.
webglUtils.setBuffersAndAttributes(gl, programInfo, sphereBufferInfo);

sphereUniforms.u_matrix = computeMatrix(

// Set the uniforms we just computed
webglUtils.setUniforms(programInfo, sphereUniforms);

gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, sphereBufferInfo.numElements);

// ------ Draw the cube --------

// Setup all the needed attributes.
webglUtils.setBuffersAndAttributes(gl, programInfo, cubeBufferInfo);

cubeUniforms.u_matrix = computeMatrix(

// Set the uniforms we just computed
webglUtils.setUniforms(programInfo, cubeUniforms);

gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, cubeBufferInfo.numElements);

// ------ Draw the cone --------

// Setup all the needed attributes.
webglUtils.setBuffersAndAttributes(gl, programInfo, coneBufferInfo);

coneUniforms.u_matrix = computeMatrix(

// Set the uniforms we just computed
webglUtils.setUniforms(programInfo, coneUniforms);

gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, coneBufferInfo.numElements);

And here's that

One thing to notice is since we only have a single shader program we only called gl.useProgram once. If we had different shader programs you'd need to call gl.useProgram before um... using each program.

This is another place where it's a good idea to simplify. There are effectively 3 main things to combine.

  1. A shader program (and its uniform and attribute info/setters)
  2. The buffer and attributes for the thing you want to draw
  3. The uniforms needed to draw that thing with the given shader.

So, a simple simplification would be to make an array of things to draw and in that array put the 3 things together

var objectsToDraw = [
    programInfo: programInfo,
    bufferInfo: sphereBufferInfo,
    uniforms: sphereUniforms,
    programInfo: programInfo,
    bufferInfo: cubeBufferInfo,
    uniforms: cubeUniforms,
    programInfo: programInfo,
    bufferInfo: coneBufferInfo,
    uniforms: coneUniforms,

At draw time we still need to update the matrices

var sphereXRotation =  time;
var sphereYRotation =  time;
var cubeXRotation   = -time;
var cubeYRotation   =  time;
var coneXRotation   =  time;
var coneYRotation   = -time;

// Compute the matrices for each object.
sphereUniforms.u_matrix = computeMatrix(

cubeUniforms.u_matrix = computeMatrix(

coneUniforms.u_matrix = computeMatrix(

But the drawing code is now just a simple loop

// ------ Draw the objects --------

objectsToDraw.forEach(function(object) {
  var programInfo = object.programInfo;
  var bufferInfo = object.bufferInfo;


  // Setup all the needed attributes.
  webglUtils.setBuffersAndAttributes(gl, programInfo, bufferInfo);

  // Set the uniforms.
  webglUtils.setUniforms(programInfo, object.uniforms);

  // Draw
  gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, bufferInfo.numElements);

And this is arguably the main rendering loop of most 3D engines in existence. Somewhere some code or codes decide what goes into the list of objectsToDraw but that's basically it.

There are a few basic optimizations. If the program we're about to draw with is the same as the previous program we drew with then there's no need to call gl.useProgram. Similarly if we're drawing with the same shape/geometry/vertices we previously drew with there's no need to set those up again.

So, a very simple optimization might look like this

var lastUsedProgramInfo = null;
var lastUsedBufferInfo = null;

objectsToDraw.forEach(function(object) {
  var programInfo = object.programInfo;
  var bufferInfo = object.bufferInfo;
  var bindBuffers = false;

  if (programInfo !== lastUsedProgramInfo) {
    lastUsedProgramInfo = programInfo;

    // We have to rebind buffers when changing programs because we
    // only bind buffers the program uses. So if 2 programs use the same
    // bufferInfo but the 1st one uses only positions then when
    // we switch to the 2nd one some of the attributes will not be on.
    bindBuffers = true;

  // Setup all the needed attributes.
  if (bindBuffers || bufferInfo != lastUsedBufferInfo) {
    lastUsedBufferInfo = bufferInfo;
    webglUtils.setBuffersAndAttributes(gl, programInfo, bufferInfo);

  // Set the uniforms.
  webglUtils.setUniforms(programInfo, object.uniforms);

  // Draw
  gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, bufferInfo.numElements);

This time let's draw a lot more objects. Instead of just 3 like before let's make the list of things to draw larger

// put the shapes in an array so it's easy to pick them at random
var shapes = [

// make 2 lists of objects, one of stuff to draw, one to manipulate.
var objectsToDraw = [];
var objects = [];

// Uniforms for each object.
var numObjects = 200;
for (var ii = 0; ii < numObjects; ++ii) {
  // pick a shape
  var bufferInfo = shapes[rand(0, shapes.length) | 0];

  // make an object.
  var object = {
    uniforms: {
      u_colorMult: [rand(0, 1), rand(0, 1), rand(0, 1), 1],
      u_matrix: m4.identity(),
    translation: [rand(-100, 100), rand(-100, 100), rand(-150, -50)],
    xRotationSpeed: rand(0.8, 1.2),
    yRotationSpeed: rand(0.8, 1.2),

  // Add it to the list of things to draw.
    programInfo: programInfo,
    bufferInfo: bufferInfo,
    uniforms: object.uniforms,

At render time

// Compute the matrices for each object.
objects.forEach(function(object) {
  object.uniforms.u_matrix = computeMatrix(
      object.xRotationSpeed * time,
      object.yRotationSpeed * time);

Then draw the objects using the loop above.

You could also sort the list by programInfo and/or bufferInfo so that the optimization kicks in more often. Most game engines do this. Unfortunately it's not that simple. If everything you're drawing is opaque and then you can just sort. But, as soon you need to draw semi-transparent things you'll need to draw them in a specific order. Most 3D engines handle this by having 2 or more lists of objects to draw. One list for opaque things. Another list for transparent things. The opaque list is sorted by program and geometry. The transparent list is sorted by depth. There might also be separate lists for other things like overlays or post processing effects.

Here's a sorted example. On my machine I get ~31fps unsorted and ~37 sorted. That's nearly a 20% increase. But, it's worst case vs best case and most programs would be doing a lot more so it's arguably not worth thinking about for all but the most special cases.

It's important to notice that you can't draw just any geometry with just any shader. For example a shader that requires normals will not function with geometry that has no normals. Similarly a shader that requires textures will not work without textures.

This is one of the many reasons it's great to choose a 3D Library like Three.js because it handles all of this for you. You create some geometry, you tell three.js how you want it rendered and it generates shaders at runtime to handle the things you need. Pretty much all 3D engines do this from Unity3D to Unreal to Source to Crytek. Some generate them offline but the important thing to realize is they generate shaders.

Of course the reason you're reading these articles is you want to know what's going on deep down. That's great and it's fun to write everything yourself. It's just important to be aware WebGL is super low level so there's a ton of work for you to do if you want to do it yourself and that often includes writing a shader generator since different features often require different shaders.

You'll notice I didn't put computeMatrix inside the loop. That's because rendering should arguably be separated from computing matrices. It's common to compute matrices from a scene graph and we'll go over that in another article.

Now that we have a framework for drawing multiple objects lets draw some text.

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