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WebGL Framebuffers

This article is meant to try to give you a mental image of what a framebuffer is in WebGL. Framebuffers come up as they allow you to render to a texture.

A Framebuffer is just a collection of attachments. That's it! It is used to allow rendering to textures and renderbuffers.

You can think of a Framebuffer object like this

class Framebuffer {
  constructor() {
    this.attachments = new Map();  // attachments by attachment point

And the WebGLRenderingContext (the gl object) like this

// pseudo code
gl = {
  framebuffer: defaultFramebufferForCanvas,

There is only 1 binding point in WebGL1. It is set like this

gl.bindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer) {
  framebuffer = framebuffer || defaultFramebufferForCanvas; // if null use canvas
  switch (target) {
    case: gl.FRAMEBUFFER:
      this.framebufferBinding = framebuffer;
      ... error ...

You can add attachments to a framebuffer via 2 functions, framebufferTexture2D, and framebufferRenderbuffer.

We can imagine their implementation to be something like

// pseudo code
gl._getFramebufferByTarget(target) {
  switch (target) {
    case gl.FRAMEBUFFER:
      return this.framebufferBinding;
gl.framebufferTexture2D(target, attachmentPoint, texTarget, texture, mipLevel) {
  const framebuffer = this._getFramebufferByTarget(target);
  framebuffer.attachments.set(attachmentPoint, {
    texture, texTarget, mipLevel,
gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(target, attachmentPoint, renderbufferTarget, renderbuffer) {
  const framebuffer = this._getFramebufferByTarget(target);
  framebuffer.attachments.set(attachmentPoint, {
    renderbufferTarget, renderbuffer

If you have and enable the WEBGL_draw_buffers extension then a Framebuffer conceptually expands to this

class Framebuffer {
  constructor() {
    this.attachments = new Map();
+    this.drawBuffers = [gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.NONE, gl.NONE, gl.NONE, ...];

You can set the drawing buffer array with gl.drawBuffers which we can imagine is implemented like this

// pseudo code
ext.drawBuffersWebGL(drawBuffers) {
  const framebuffer = gl._getFramebufferByTarget(gl.FRAMEBUFFER);
  for (let i = 0; i < maxDrawBuffers; ++i) {
    framebuffer.drawBuffers[i] = i < drawBuffers.length
        ? drawBuffers[i]
        : gl.NONE

The important part is a framebuffer is just a simple collection of attachments. The complications are the restrictions on what those attachments can be and the combinations that work. For example a floating point texture attachment can not be rendered to by default. Extensions can enable that like WEBGL_color_buffer_float. Similarly if there is more than one attachment they must all be the same dimensions.

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